Tuesday, December 6, 2016

T-minus two weeks

Only about 2 weeks to go until we leave for Australia!  Flights are booked, cars hired, new passport arrived, International Drivers Permit obtained (required for car hire according to the web site), waterproof camera case bought (hopefully to be useful at the Great Barrier Reef), travel insurance purchased...  We are in the process of packing and making sure that we have everything organized.  We've never left for 2 full months before--especially in winter--so there are a lot of things to take care of besides holding the mail and cancelling the paper.  One thing we've never had to do before is draining pipes and setting up temperature-controlled backup heat in case the furnace should fail (especially with our recent weather!).  The dog is already safely in Ashland with Emily and the house plants have designated spots to overwinter.
We've also been purchasing technology that we've never had before such as a Kindle Fire with a foldable, bluetooth keyboard.  (I'm typing this post on the Kindle/keyboard combination to make sure I can use them--it works, but a bit awkward compared with a normal keyboard.)  We also bought an unlocked GSM phone so we can have basic cell service overseas--our cell is Verizon, which is incompatible abroad.
School and Christmas preps are unfortunately interfering with travel planning, but I have downloaded a number of maps/guides that can be carried along on the Kindle.  We may have to do a lot of "just-in-time" planning on this trip!  We are also counting heavily on the Aussie "rellies" to guide us along!  Ready or not, we'll be departing on 28 Dec and in Australia before New Years.
I'll try to keep posting during our travels and include some photos--whenever we have Wifi.

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